sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

NEW YEAR 2014/2015

C1 2014/2105

2 comentarios:

  1. Time really flies...when you think about how many plans you still have in your mind, and how difficult it is to realize them all...and also how high you point sometimes, that a great sacrifice has to be done, leaving many of those another plans behind...sometimes i just feel like doing only those things that you enjoy at the same moment that you are doing them...short-time tasks..but if i did so, then i will only make little achivements at the end, small goals...choosing is so hard sometimes

  2. To be honest, I,m a little lost. I don´t kow if I must write a comment as a homework or because someone said something that I liked it. Anyway times really flies,so carpe diem Barbara.
